KnowYourCommunity Constitution Revolution
The Issues we face
1. I think we can all agree no matter what our party affiliation is, the Federal Government is a runaway train, the US now spends approxamately $9,000 per every man woman and child. Last years Federal budget was $2.8 trillion. These figures do not include state Government spending. When states are added in the spending nearly doubles to $4.9 Trillion. That is nearly 40% of the entire GDP of the United States and a total of $16,333 per man woman and child. It doesnt end there. In 2005 Americans spent an estimated 6 billion hours complying with the federal income
tax code, with an estimated compliance cost of over $265.1 billion.
This amounts to imposing a 22 cent tax compliance surcharge for every
dollar the income tax system collects. All the above is a Grand total of $17,216 per person.

2. Both major political parties are moving further to the left each election cycle especially in the National positions and in many cases state.

3. Voters are uninformed especially in local elections. Mainly due to the lack of information and the reluctance of candidates to espouse their positions. Even on the national level its difficult to find reliable information on the candidates. The information that is available is generally cloudy and vague.

Our founding fathers and countless soldiers of the United States have given their lives for our freedoms. We have a constitution in this country that has for all intents and purposes been abandoned, and we MUST take this country back.
A quote from the Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"

The vision to correct these issues

1) First realize this can't and won't happen over night. It must be done methodically, and with consistency. All we are asking is for you to dedicate ONE hour per day to a cause that so many have given their lives for. Is that too much to ask?

2) Everything with a solid foundation has
to start at the bottom, and be built up. If this brings the political Parties back to it's base, then so be it.

3) We propose to do this by
starting with the local politics, then Counties, State Senate and Representatives, Governors, and then to the Federal levels. The reason we have the theft of our freedoms and our money is because we expected elected officials to represent us, in most cases they have not. They serve themselves, and now we are serving them instead. The efforts that we have started is in it's infancy and with the help of others who are passionate about this country we can bring real change, a change to our founders intentions. We can return this country to our children and/ or grandchildren in a condition that will give them the freedoms we had.

Each member of Know Your Community will be responsible for posting information for their local areas. We need a country that is informed from the bottom up. Members can post news clips about candidates, interview candidates, go through their cities spending habits and relay that information here for their neighbors to read. We will assign State Moderators the role of organizing and assisting City Moderators.